Children need a hand in traffic
Road Traffic Injuries, The Reality and one must agree to it…Don’t wait until you see a problem before you start taking action to protect kids. There are simple things you can do every day to make sure kids are safe and then teach others. Make sure every adult who cares about kids has the information they need to be confident about making a commitment to safety.
We all want to keep our children safe and secure and help them live to their full potential. Knowing how to prevent leading causes of child injury, like road traffic injuries, is a step toward this goal.
According to survey, every hour nearly 150 children between ages 0 and 19 are treated in emergency departments for injuries sustained in motor vehicle crashes. More children ages 5 to 19 die from crash-related injuries than from any other type of injury. what all can we do to make our children safe from such injuries? The answer to this question is by teaching them road safety which is very important for them to learn as well as for us to know.
Do you know what the advantages of road safety are? I will tell you road safety is one of the major step to secure our child’s life and an important part of our life. Road safety helps in reducing the number of road deaths and injuries.